Let's make our future clean together!
Groene Point
App helps to build a habit of responsible waste disposal.
Service and waste management companies can work more efficiently with help of your reports.
We are making our planet cleaner!

Simply download our App, dispose your waste into dedicated waste containers / collection stations,
complete and register your report with Groene Point App. Get additional rewards for every completed step! All Done!!!

You will receive Groene Points for each and every approved report! You can transfer your Groene Points into Bounz Rewards with one click to
«Redeem your Rewards» in our App! Please check www.bounzrewards.com for more information regarding spending your Points. Other Bonus Systems will follow soon!!!

How it works?
Dispose your waste properly Segregate your waste into categories e.g. plastics, food, glass, cans, paper, textile, electronic waste, metal, etc
Register your report with Groene Point App Launch Groene Point App, take a Photo of disposed item with waste container as background, dispose your Waste into dedicated waste container, complete your report, get additional rewards for every completed step, job is done!!!
Redeem Rewards You will receive Groene Points for each and every approved report! You can transfer your Groene Points into Bounz Rewards with one click to «Redeem your Rewards» in our App! Please check www.bounzrewards.com for more information regarding spending your Points. Other Bonus Systems will follow soon!!!
How to Redeem Your Rewards
You can transfer your Groene Points into Bounz Rewards with one click to «Redeem your Rewards» in our App!
Please check www.bounzrewards.com for more information regarding spending your Points.
Other Bonus Systems will follow soon!!!

BOUNZ is the region’s new exciting customer
loyalty programme that rewards you on everyday spends.

Air Miles
Air Miles Middle East is the region’s most
exciting loyalty programme
Coming Soon ...
Our news
How to become our partner?
We invite you to participate into our project whether you are the waste management company, service company or municipality. We are welcoming all rewards and bonus systems wishing to join our partnership scheme. Please leave your proposal below and we find a suitable solution for both!